Do You Have One

Do you have a dog that whines? We do, our rescue dog Ernie. He is the whiniest dog I’ve ever encountered. He’s a happy dog but when he wants to play or is just sitting there sometimes, he whines. I tell him he’s a whiny dog. I believe he knows he is a whiny dog and he doesnt care. So, I play with him.

Dog People

My husband Gary and I are dog people. There are dog people and there are people who shouldn’t have dogs. There are a lot of people who should not have dogs. I know a few. They make me sick to my stomach. I cannot imagine one of them taking care of Ernie. The way he whines on a daily basis would drive them up the wall. Restriction would be swift and merciless as these types of people have no soul, no empathy for dogs what- so- ever. Poor Ernie would not be in good hands. He is lucky Gary and I discovered him. He is safe and can whine all he wants. He is attached to my hip most of the time and his favorite spot to sleep is right next to me. Tongue out, because he has no teeth. He is adorable. At times I almost trip on him because he follows me everywhere. He is the world's clingiest dog. But he ‘s my dog. I wouldn’t trade him for the world. Keep him, we will until he decides he doesn’t want to be on this earth anymore. He’s safe with us.

His Breed

I am not sure why some dogs whine more than others. Is this a trait of his breed? He is part Yorkie and part Terrier. I just googled and it said Yorkies whine for attention, anxiety, food, you name it. They whine about everything, so Ernie comes by it naturally. We accept him as he is. He was treated badly for 12 years so every day is a treat for him here. No one is screaming at him. Peace and serenity are his life now. 

Give In or Ignore

If you’ve ever had a whiny dog before you know the only way to stop the whining is to give in. Play, play, play, but that’s ok because for 12 years he didn’t get to do that. Can you imagine? 12 years of utter hell. Walking around on eggshells because Ernie was afraid of pissing off a certain person. The end result would not be good for him. Being scared of turning a corner, hiding under the table because you know he may be waiting for you, watching for you. Waiting to do something bad. I have no remorse, no empathy for someone who could harm an animal. I’ll take a whiny dog over abuse any day.  

Dogs Need Attention

Seeking attention is a cause for whining. Ernie had all my attention when we first got him. I was retired and didn’t go anywhere. Now I have 2 part time jobs and fundraising. So it’s easy to understand why he’s confused. So, he continues to whine around every corner, throughout every hallway he’s by my side whining. Outside if I’m not in his sight, he’s whining. He got stuck between the slats in our gate at the top of the deck because he was trying to get to me. His whining echoed throughout the county that day. I told him he was a little on the insane side. 

He Is What He Is

All in all, I wouldn’t trade him for the world. He is what he is. He has his moments, but you would too if you were abused for 12 years. I always tell myself that. He has come a long way since we’ve got him. He doesn’t react as much as he used to. He is way, way, way better on his walks. When Gary and I first took him for a walk, he reacted to everything. The mailman, school buses, dump trucks, people. Although not dogs. He liked to do meet and greets with dogs. Until the day he was attacked by those two big dogs. No more meet and greets for Ernie.

He loves me to the moon and back. I return the favor. He is my world. I cannot imagine life without his toothless grin.

He has tongue out Tuesdays down pat.

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