
Wendy Stelter

My Journey

Now is my time, right here, at this moment. Come and learn about me, what I love to do and where I am in my life right now. It is unique; where do I begin? Where does the other half of me end? It is personal; as I age I reflect. I think back and wonder.

At the age of sixty-two, I run, I write, I read. I love my husband, grandkids, and I love and admire my kids. This journey through life is, at times, chaotic and crazy, coupled with mishaps, and mistakes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

My interests consume my time. I’m rarely bored; being busy makes the day fly.  Sign language is a new hobby I’ve picked up. It is overwhelming and incredibly fascinating, and I lose half of the day navigating the complex English language. Equally important, it is a fact learning new things keeps my brain active; therefore, how can it not be a good thing?


Now I have this blog, which quite frankly, makes my head spin. It is without a doubt the most complicated project I have ever taken on. In addition, designing a website was not something I had done or even contemplated doing. I find the entire process captivating and challenging.  

If you are interested in starting your own blog, please do so. l At times it is all-consuming; I’ll look out the window and realize it’s dark outside. Where did the day go?

So, come hang out and find out more about me. Together, we are all in for a heck of a ride. My journey starts today. May it never end.

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Wendy & Gary Stelter

Wanna get in touch?

I love speaking with like-minded individuals. If that includes you, then feel free to contact me.

Stanley, WI 54768
‍United States