We All Have It

The magic inside every single one of us-that inner light that shines. The thing that makes us, us. What is it? Is it a secret ingredient we keep to ourselves? What keeps us going, gives us spark? There are some of us who light up like fairies. The magic inside is brimming over the top and spilling everywhere, those in our presence feel it. They want to be near us, hoping against hope some of our magic magically transfers to them. 

That isn’t the way it works though. The way we are, our essence is a part of us. No one can steal it and use it as their own. Deep down inside we are all different. Some of us shine like the northern star and others are dark and brooding. Those who are dark, and brooding are the ones who will try and steal that magic that keeps us afloat. Do not let it happen. Do not let them steal the essence of your being. Trying to make it their own will not work. They do not know how to shine. Too often their essence has no sunshine. They hide in plain sight in the dark. Crouching, waiting with nervous energy, emerging at the last minute. Out of breath and out of time. Their magic has lapsed, their moment in the sun is done and over. Copying is not authentic, and never realistically original. We can spot a false impersonator trying to rise above their own expectations. 

It's All Yours

Keep that magic that threatens all those around. The smile that brings people from all walks of life, eager to be in your ambience. Is there something special about your aura that attracts others? Just the goodness that oozes out of every single fiber of your body. That pixie smile that brightens all days. The calm serenity and virtue we seek is like a halo of impossibilities we must capture. We all hope and dream about it. 

Keep It Safe

 We all have magic inside us. Every single one of us has talent and abilities that just need to be taken out and sampled. Examined and used like random acts of kindness. Magic surrounds us daily, we just need to know where to look for it. Finding it deep within our own being is the key to unlocking our own happiness. This magic inside us swirls endlessly deep, desperate to get out and light up the world. Not all of us know how to recognize the magic we have been given by God. Some of us have to be shown how to utilize and work with what magic we possess. Not all of us have the ability nor energy to shine brightly. 

Make Yours Shine

In some of us the magic is dimmer. It is not a tragic phenomenon, the world adjusts, and we partner with others like us. We do not belong on the world stage. We are worker bees. The magic is inside us but not as bright as the queen who’s magic, we all cherish, admire and yearn for. The world cannot exist without us. So, we safely go about our daily lives with the knowledge our magic is also special, but maybe just not as luminous. We have a softer glow. 

We all have wizardry and a certain mojo inside us; it’s called magic. It takes courage and sorcery to find, recognize and use it.

Go find yours

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