We All Do

Every once in a while, you get the feels. What do I mean by the feels. It’s kind of a melancholy mood. The kind of mood when you don’t know if you're in a good mood or a bad mood. Maybe you are just in a mood. 

Moods can be moody. If it’s a bad wave coming, watch out. Everyone better get the heck out of the way. 

Leave Me Alone

woman leaning on white table

I think when you are feeling the feels you just want to be left alone. You do not want anyone bothering you with asinine questions. So hopefully when this happens to you, you aren’t at work. If so, it will be a very long day for you. Work through it and get done. Go home, maybe light a candle, talk to your dog or cat, or maybe even your spouse. Maybe they can shake the feels right out of you. 

Flowers Make Me Smile

Better yet if you are anything like me go buy some plants. I went to the flower shop today and found a hibiscus called Starry Starry night. It shook the feels right out of me. Wandering around the flower shop, seeing all the life, and the beauty. The velvety petals of a begonia, the prickly thorns of a rose bush, gives me a peace and serenity I can’t find elsewhere. Flowers are my go-to when I’m in a muck. Wintertime can be a challenge.

Perhaps running is your thing. I know it’s mine. Another go to when I feel the feels. I’m thinking I can outrun them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

In life we all get down at times. Life picks us up and we go on. What other choice do we really have? 

Maybe it’s time to put a beloved dog down, that can give you the feels bigly. Making up your mind when to do it is the ultimate test. 

Losing someone can give you the feels big time. You feel funky, weird, out of sync not knowing where to turn. Or who to turn to. 

We All Get There

Getting old can give you the feels also. It’s so strange sometimes, getting old I mean. At times you feel like you’re in your thirties, until you look in the mirror. Life is passing you by. Where did sixty come from? What am I going to do with seventy? It is outside the realm of my imagination at this moment. Even thinking about it gives me the feels. You are approaching the end of your life. You have to look at yourself in the mirror. See your true self. When you stand before God what will you say? If you believe in that sort of thing. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. We all get there, we all age. The older you get the more you reflect. It is a thing. It is a certainty. 

Come and Go

a woman sitting on a set of stairs

The feels come and they go. It’s good they don’t stick around too long. Forever being in the feels isn’t a good thing. We all need the good days when everything in life is peachy. They far outweigh the bad days. 

I had a feels day the other day. It was a mucky, not quite right kind of day. I’m glad it’s over and I’m moving on. We all need to have a feels day once in a while. Life is never perfect; we are mere mortals after all.

The next time you have a feels day. Make it your own. Then move on. Life is big. Live it.

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