The C Word

Cancer is the word absolutely no one wants to hear at a routine doctor's visit. Going in for a physical, blood work, a mammogram, etc. All of us hope for a letter in the mail saying they found no abnormalities, everything looks good. Keep up the good work. Getting a telephone call is not what we want. Every time I go in for a mammogram I wait for that letter in the mail. Relief when it finally comes, knowing everything is ok until the next time. Fatty cysts are something that runs in my family; and I have had my fair share. Medical family history is something we can do nothing about. Bad genetics on both sides of my family, make me pray for a healthy body. Exercise is something I do on a regular basis. Fanatic describes me, running daily keeps me in shape. Cardio is out of this world. Most times my runs are an hour long, different days I sneak in a 5k. My doctor always tells me she doesn’t need to give me a stress test because I do it daily when I run. Being a type A personality, stress doesn’t sit well with me. Dealing with it has caused all kinds of issues, with my husband as well as myself. Being slightly OCD is also in my genes. Everything has a place, and everything should be in its place. Chaos and disorder make me crazy.

Doctors Drive Me to Distraction

As I write this, I’m remembering a particular doctor visit when I went in for a cyst in my breast. That alone is enough to freak me out as it bulged out under my skin. The doctor that examined me did not have the best bedside manner. Before he spoke with me about the cyst, he placed a telephone call. I was sitting in a chair opposite him in the same exam room. I had no idea who he was speaking to, but he said,” No, it’s not a normal cyst. It is a divided cyst.” So right away my brain goes, “Oh my God I have cancer.” He got off the phone and told me to report to the front desk as I needed to schedule an ultrasound. He then left the room. I didn’t question him because sometimes I’m better off not knowing. Or so I tell myself. Standing at the front desk by myself with tears running down my face. I made the appointment for the ultrasound. The staff on duty didn’t ask me about my tears and I didn’t offer any explanation. Walking out the door was a relief. With tears in my eyes, I phoned my oldest daughter, and she came to the ultrasound appointment with me. They spoke to both of us after the ultrasound stating they were going to draw fluid from the cyst and have it sent in to be tested. I’m not sure how long it took to get the test results back, but I am quite sure I was on pins and needles until I received the letter. There was no phone call, just the letter stating it was a divided cyst, but it was not cancerous. Thank the Lord. I know doctors see many patients during their day. But empathy and understanding go a long way. Placing themselves in the patient's shoes is something they (at least the guy I saw) need to work on. Isn’t there a class for that?

Maybe If We Wish Hard Enough

Some cancers can be beat if caught fast enough. There are so many different kinds in so many different areas of the body. It’s mind boggling. Wishing there was a cure for all of them. 

Not Kids

Seeing kids sick with cancer is extremely sad, and heartbreaking. No child should have to go through something so hard and many times deadly. It is hard enough for adults, with children it breaks my heart.  It isn’t fair nor right. Rumors spread that there is a cure for many cancers, but researchers don't want it known because cancer is such a money maker. Praying there is no truth to that statement. To think such a thing would be painfully disturbing and heartbreaking. 

Stop With Bad Habits

The biggest causes of cancer are smoking, alcohol consumption, an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and air pollution. We all know none of these things are good for us.

So, if you smoke, stop (easier said than done for some people.) Cut back on the drinking and exercise more. 

It’s easy for me to say but hard for people who have bad habits that are almost impossible for them to break. 

Me, smoke?

Take it from a former smoker there is nothing good about this deadly habit. Quitting cold turkey is something I did back in the day and there has never been a moment I’ve wanted to start up again. 

Live healthy, live long!

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