What Me No Way

a typewriter with the words obsession over passion written on it

Do you have an obsession? Something you cannot stay away from no matter how hard you try. I do. I will confess. This election stuff is driving me absolutely batty. I wish I was out there in the trenches. I’d love to go to the DNC, but I won’t.


Twitter is where I am at with it. Twitter can be a very dark place if you allow it. I’ll post things and someone disagrees, always. The plan is to not respond to said person. It is the best way. Once you respond all bets are off. People get down and dirty real fast on Twitter. No holes barred. They are nasty. I can give as well as I get. So I hold my own. But some of these people are batshit crazy. I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole with them. 

I’m not expressing my views on my website. I’m just stating the fact that it is an important election. Everyone needs to get out and vote. If you don’t vote you cannot complain about the outcome. Whichever way it goes. It’s a scary world out there and if it doesn’t go the way it could be scarier.

It Is A Scary World

Back to Twitter. I found myself on a hate thread, through no fault of my own. Bantering back and forth with some guy. It quickly went south, without me realizing at first. I’ve encountered rude people on Twitter before, but this guy was certifiably crazy. I cannot repeat what he said to me because this is not that kind of website. It was bad though. I quickly blocked him after realizing I was only exciting him more by some of my comments. I haven’t heard from him again. But I normally don’t respond to people. Only those with the same views as mine.

People are brave and foolish on Twitter because it can be anonymous if you prefer it that way. Not me, I have my big old mug in my profile photo. It is what it is. 

Friends In Low Places

person holding black iphone 5

There are a few friends of mine who are also on Twitter. Let’s say Randy, no last name is needed, and I indulge in Twitter wars occasionally. It does go south in a quick hurry if you aren’t careful. People like to talk a bunch of nonsense and it can be very cataclysmic at times. Sometimes I have to step away from it to get some perspective. I’ve told myself to get off of it a couple different times. But I find myself going back on after a few hours of being away from it. Bordering on obsessive behavior I know. I cannot seem to help myself. It is also highly entertaining if you don’t take it too seriously. It can also be super informative if you allow it. Many people post things to read about elections and the fairness and unfairness of politics. 

I’m in the frame of mind to think everyone in politics is a little on the crazy side. Also, most of them are crooked. If half the things I read on Twitter are true. 

Figure It Out

Ultimately, I just need to take a couple steps back and regroup. Figure out who I am and where I’m headed. So I can enter the land of Twitter with a clear head and a positive train of thought. There are a lot of insults that get hurtled back and forth between the two parties. I’m there for all of them and toss in a few of my own. It’s a free country.

Believe what you want to believe.

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