My Body Is My Own

Are we as women ready for the government to tell us what we can and cannot do with our bodies? Not me, I’ll never be ready for that. 

Abortion is a personal choice, or at least it used to be. Me, I would not abort a child. But I do not want the government telling me I cannot if I choose to do so. My body is mine not theirs. Just because I would not abort a child doesn’t mean other women should not be able to if that is the choice they have made. I’m assuming after a lot of soul searching, they have come up with what they think is the best decision for them. This in no way affects anyone beside themselves. Unless of course they have a better half than that decision would be made together by the two of them. A woman on her own, 17, 18, or 19, has a one-night stand and gets pregnant. Or maybe she has been raped and gotten pregnant. A choice will ultimately have to be made to keep or not keep the baby. I believe it will be one of the hardest decisions ever made by the mother. But it should be her choice, not the governments. 

It's Not Easy

There are arguments on both sides of the aisle. The killing of babies, ending a beating heart. It tears families apart and marriages end up in divorce. 

I know I’ve said I would never but maybe that isn’t the entire truth. If I were pregnant and the doctor told me my baby had something drastically wrong with it and would not live long after birth. Maybe then I would have to make a decision. That decision may be to end its life while still inside my body.

If a 13- or 14-year-old were the victim of rape, I could see them aborting the child. A baby having a baby. Too young to really understand, their innocence stolen in an act of violence. A baby would be a constant reminder of that. Sad, it isn’t the child’s fault nor the girl who was raped. But ultimately, they are the ones who will suffer the consequences. 

Roe V Wade

Roe v Wade we all recognize it. January 22nd, 1973. A very important day for all women. Protecting our constitutional right to choose what we decide to do with our bodies. The Supreme Court overturned this decision. Each state has the right to regulate abortion as they see fit or ban it entirely. No longer a woman’s choice but a state choice. This is wrong on so many levels. Chaos erupts, pregnant women heading into states they do not live in to have an abortion where it is still a choice. 

How can any one woman make a choice based on their religious belief, their moral values with the government involved. How can anyone but the woman who is pregnant make that call? It is her body not theirs. The Supreme Court should not make a decision for the millions of women in the world. Do we not have our own voice? Should we not be heard? This is an issue that will be argued for years to come.

Always Republican Vs Democrats

Republicans say Democrats want to end babies' lives even after they are born. I’ve heard this come out of someone’s mouth. To believe such a thing is incoherent and deplorable. Who, in God's name, would think that? It’s crazy plain and simple. An insidious lie told by a man who has no morals. A storyteller, fibber, liar, and a narcissistic bully. Spouting untruths and fairy tales of his own making. If he tells a lie often enough, he thinks it becomes the truth. 

Think Twice

The next time you condemn a woman for having an abortion. Think twice, think about the implications and emotional scarring this choice will leave behind. It cannot be an easy decision; many women live with guilt for the rest of their lives. It affects them greatly and they suffer because of it, even if it was the humane thing to do. It is their moral compass, their understanding of themselves and their body.

It is a woman's choice!!!! Believe it-my body, my choice. We offer no other alternative.

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