Is My Business Your Business

We all know these types of people. The ones on the outer fringe. Looking in, always watching. Thinking they know better than we do. Waiting for us to fall flat on our faces. I call them the looky loos.

What would life be without them? Apparently, they have no life of their own, so they feel the need to intrude on someone else’s life. Their unsolicited advice falls on deaf ears. 

Let Me Live My Life

We all need to live our own lives without wondering who is watching our backs. Plowing blindly ahead is what I do. Falling flat on my face is something I do also. It’s a part of life. My life anyway. Without failure there would be no success. Trying something new is a challenge. One I’m always up for. Learning is always a great thing. Keeping my mind busy is what I’m striving for. Dementia is always hanging in the background for me because of family history. I’d rather skirt around it, toss it back where it came from. Living in a fog is not the way I’d like to live my life.

On The Fringe

But the looky loos are on the fringe also. Just waiting for the chance to say I told you so. Afraid of their own shape, these people have no choice but to pick apart someone else’s life. Too fearful of venturing out on their own. Not wanting to take a chance on anything because it’s too much of a risk. They are the safe players. Their stock is all stable funds. They take no chance; their wings are clipped. The fear of failing threatens their entire existence. Better for them to look over my shoulder to see what kind of calamity I’ve gotten myself into. 

The narrative for the looky loo’s is they cannot control the outcome of taking a chance. It is beyond their control, so they stay hidden inside their tiny bubble, safe and secure. 

I'm Risky

I am a risk taker. Risk takers are a little bit on the crazy side. It describes me perfectly. Making bold, if at times not very bright decisions is what I do. Sitting inside a cocoon is not the way I want to live my life. Burying myself, too timid or afraid to take a chance to make myself a better person, it’s just not my style. I believe with every fiber of my being to take a chance and fail is better than not taking a chance at all. Not one person in this world is great at everything they try. Making an effort is how we find out what are our strengths and what are our weaknesses. 

Join In Please

The looky loo’s put forth no effort. Skirting the edge of society, looking in but not fitting in is definitely a disadvantage. They who judge, may be judged themselves. Criticism is our worst enemy if it is not constructive. The looky loo’s love to be judge and jury. Game over before it began. 

Stuck In the Same Place

In my mind successful people are risk takers. How does one get ahead in life without taking risks? Ask a looky loo. Comfortable with their safe life. Shadow boxing anyone willing to take a risk. Hoping for their failure, so they can say, I told you so. A looky loo’s perverse way of looking at life is a rainy-day universe. Do not look over your shoulder when pursuing your dream. The looky loos are right behind you. Hiding in corners, whispering softly, judging continuously. Laughing, pointing their bony fingers. Their smiles are hideous caricatures of a life that passed them by. Forever in the dark, blessed by no one. Their lives are lonely, unexciting and inexcusable. Dusty motes drifting aimlessly in the forgotten wind.

Don’t be a looky loo. Go out and challenge yourself.

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