He Is Learning

I haven’t spoken about Ernie in a while now. He is slowly coming along and turning into the dog I always knew he could be. Not to say he doesn’t have his setbacks, he does. He is after all a dog. He needs improvement with strangers coming to the house. He barks and growls at them. This behavior is unacceptable so if he continues, he will be taken in the house and put in his kennel.

He Loves His Walks

He is much better on his walks. He doesn’t have near the reactivity he used to have. I’d like to thank Spirit Dog Training for that. Their online lessons taught me a lot. He isn’t lunging and barking and snapping at everything that crosses his path. He no longer lunges at dump trucks. We have a lot in this town. He is good with school buses now, and semi’s as well. These all used to be triggers for him. 

He Is Better

What surprises me the most is people. He used to be so reactive to people. If we were walking and they were across the street, he would bark and lunge. He no longer does this. I am not sure how he would respond if someone approached us while out for a walk. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. But I do know people can stop in their vehicles and talk to me and he doesn’t pay them attention. When I first started walking him he would bark constantly and lunge if someone stopped to talk. I see improvement in every aspect of his life. Understanding a reactive dog is half the process. I now know what all his triggers are and at times I will avoid them and walk in the opposite direction, or other times a stern no from me will keep him in check. He does listen to me and wants to please.

Grooming, Yes Please

He had his second grooming appointment. This one went well. Ernie is an unrecognizable dog. Gary didn’t recognize him when he arrived home. I was wondering if I brought the correct dog home with me. It was such a transformation. Gone are the seven layers of fur and left in its place was the smallest dog with the sweetest eyes. He could finally see, I wasn’t constantly brushing the fur out of the way in order for him to see. The weather was so hot the day before he was groomed I felt sorry for him with all that fur. The day after he was groomed it turned cold. Ernie was shivering so I dug out one of Sally’s old sweaters and put it on him. That did the trick, the shivering stopped. He now wears it in the morning when I walk him. It gets down into the forties at night. Too cold for a dog who had his coat taken off. A dramatic swing for Ernie since he’s been furry since we got him. The groomer was super nice. Her name is Kari and she did such a good job with Ernie. He had been to her previously, so he knew her which helped. She told me he was very good, and she had no trouble at all with him. The place of her business is called Four Paws take your dog there you won’t be disappointed.

Sibling Rivalry

He and Sally have their moments. I’d like to say their fights have vanquished. But I cannot. Sally is old and stuck in her ways and Ernie is not afraid of her. Once in a while there is a confrontation. But it doesn’t last long and since dogs live in the moment it is soon forgotten. Life goes on as they say.

Ernie Loves the Outdoors

The weather helps and there is nothing Ernie likes better than laying out in the yard. Or exploring, he is also a little bit of a digger. On sunny days you will find him sleeping under the picnic table or laying in the grass. When he gets too hot he looks for shade, then when he gets too cool, he lays back in the sun. A perfect life for a dog. He couldn’t ask for any better life than the one he’s living. He gets his walk daily in the morning. His morning walk is his time. I let him sniff as long as he likes. When he is sniffing he is on his best behavior. He doesn’t notice anything. This makes me happy as people and dogs pass by with Ernie none the wiser. He has a friend he meets every morning and days hello too. A dog who’s a bit smaller than Ernie, and quite a few years younger. We see him most days when we walk. Ernie looks forward to their meet and greet. When he’s had enough of him we continue on with our walk. Most days his walk ends with a swim in the lake at the park. He goes in far enough to cool off and take a drink. Most of our walks are about an hour or hour and a half. We take our time and enjoy it. Since I am retired, and Ernie is twelve it works out.

Kennels Are a Good Thing

We bought Ernie a kennel and put a bed mat down inside. I put a blanket over the kennel, so it has the appearance of a safe place for him. He loves it. My old bathrobe is also in there with him. It’s super soft and he loves laying on it. The first night we had it here he slept in it all night. He will go in during the day and nap there. The door is always open, so he isn’t closed in. He can come and go as he chooses. He loves his beds. He has one in the living room and now the kennel in our bedroom. 

He Has Our Hearts

I am very happy we rescued this little guy. Not quite sure what our lives would be like without him in it now. He is a part of our family. He has a piece of our hearts. He belongs with us. His suffering is a distant memory as we look to the future.

God knows Ernie deserves every bit of goodness he has coming to him.

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