When faced with danger are you a fight or flight kind of person. Coming from law enforcement we are trained to run towards trouble. It is a learned thing. Most people’s first thought would be to run. Confrontation is something taught with training. We had many different scenarios during my time at the jail. It was always interesting and never boring. I’ve been laid on my back, knocked to my knees, and been in numerous fights between inmates and officers. It was an exciting career, one that was far from boring and dull. Every single day brought a new experience, oftentimes leaving me exhausted and drained.
Which are You?
Fight or flight. Which do you choose? Don’t feel bad if you choose flight. Most people choose this. When faced with a dangerous situation, or a dangerous person who makes the hair stand up on your neck. It’s easy to run. Run as fast as you can. Adrenaline is a serious motivator. To stand and face your fear takes courage many of us do not possess.
Will You Freeze
The fight or flight response is an automatic reaction to an event that is stressful or frightening. A perception of a threat activates our nervous system. It triggers an acute response that prepares our body to fight or flee. Unless you’ve been trained to fight, fleeing would be the first response. Remember it is a response. Deep breathing can control your rapid heartbeat.
Some people do not run, nor do they fight. They freeze. Their brain cannot compute what is happening and they go into a state of shock. The whole experience is surreal and out of body. Freezing is your body’s inability to move or act against a threat. Their brain goes numb trying to process what is happening. It refuses to accept the truth confronting them. Leaving them in a frozen state. The freeze response is connected to people who have anxiety. Who doesn’t have anxiety? We all know our bodies and what we would do in certain situations. But when faced with danger it becomes an entirely different thing. Our heart beats faster, we sweat, and start to shake. Anxiety settles in, our mouth dries up and we cannot speak let alone act. Who wants to be a hero? Staying alive would be our first thought. A person with low self-esteem would either freeze, flop or flee. It takes someone with a strong mindset to stay and fight. Especially if it’s against an opponent who is bigger and faster than you are. Most of us are not dense and register fear for what it is. A psychological response. In some cases, a person's terror may be so intense their mind shatters, leaving them immobilized. Unable to think, unable to act.
I'd Fight
I’d like to think with all my training I’d have a fight reaction. Not necessarily, it’s been a while since I’ve been in an altercation with an inmate. Old age may have softened me a bit. I am not sure what my reaction would be. If I perceived a threat, I would hope my first thought would be to fight that threat. Hopefully it never happens, but if it does, I’ll be ready.
Fight or flight. What would you do?