A Different Mindset

Farmers have a different mindset and mentality than I do. Livestock is a numbers game for them. How much money can you get for a heifer or a bull calf? The animals on the farm all have a price tag attached to them.

Farmers have to be able to raise animals and then send them off to slaughter without a second thought. Something I could never do. If I were to have cattle, they would be on my farm for life. Not a very profitable way to farm. Therefore, I could never be a farmer.

Hobby Farms

A hobby farm would be more up my alley. Rescue animals would be my thought. Horses, cows, goats, chickens, dogs, cats, etc. I’d have them all. Pigs let’s include them also. There are so many neglected animals out there. I wish I could rescue them all. A dream that will never be realized. It’s the thought that counts. We have a twelve-year-old dog we rescued. My husband and I do what we can to help out. 

Never-ending Job

Farmers are up before daylight milking, and again in the evening. It truly is a job that takes up their day. Whether they are cleaning out stations, bedding down calves, or feeding horses. They are busy. Out in the sun haying, if you’ve ever picked up a hay bale you know they aren’t light. Getting them off the field and into the barn takes quite a herculean effort. A strong set of arms as well as strength and skill. The bales are heavy and leave your skin itchy. In my younger days I’ve baled plenty of hay. 

Do farmers get attached to their animals? I’m almost positive they do not. How could they send one off to slaughter if there is a bond formed? No, these animals are cash cows for farmers. Farmers have to have this mentality otherwise their farm would not be sustainable. 

Baby Calves

Feeling bad for calves is part of my life, driving past I see them in their tiny pens. They are yanked from their mothers a couple days after birth and shoved into a small enclosure. I am not sure why this happens. I have heard through the grapevine it’s so the mothers can start milking again. Once again, it’s a money thing-nary a thought to the animal. The calves cry for their mothers. The mothers bawling for their calves. It’s all heartbreaking and tragic.

Meat Eater

I am a meat eater, so call me a hypocrite if you’d like. I try not to think about the animal when eating, otherwise I couldn’t do it. It is a very cruel world out there for cows, pigs, chickens, etc. They live to feed us. 

Death Houses

Slaughterhouses, a death house of epic proportions. A place I cannot and will not think of. Where do they find people who work within? No empathy for animals has to be a prerequisite. Otherwise, how could they do it? The animals' fear and screams would send me over the edge. Surely these animals know the end of their life is near. It’s achingly sad, and truly heart wrenching. I’ve never seen a slaughterhouse and I will live the rest of my life out without doing so. 

Sad But True

A farmer is someone who can take a dog out to the woods and shoot them because they are chasing his cattle. I’ve heard the story from a farmer's wife firsthand. The farmer said he did what he had to do. That is the mindset of a farmer. Every animal on their farm has a monetary value. Otherwise, their farm wouldn’t turn a profit, they do need to earn a living. Animals are their livelihood. A decent farmer takes care of his animals. Skinny cows or malnourished animals do not bring in cash. Many smaller farms have ceased to exist leaving behind the bigger farms to swoop in and take over their earnings. 

We Need Farmers

Rain or shine the farmers begin their day. Out in the fields harvesting their crop, or in the barn milking their cows. It seems as if their chores are endless, working until after dark and getting up before light to start another day. Their tireless effort should be supported by us all. Where would we be without our farmers?

Silos, barns, cows, chickens, horses, tractors. If your eyes light up thinking about any of these things maybe you have a future in farming.

Dirt under your nails and a tired body means it’s been a successful day. 

Farming: Who needs a desk job.

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