Everyone Hates
It seems as if everything I read now or see on tv has an element of hatred behind it. What is to become of all of us if we cannot learn to get along? Where do we go from here? Starting at the bottom and moving up would be good. Let’s get rid of all the hateful rhetoric and learn how to live again. Is this even a remote possibility? It seems as if a person has a different viewpoint than yours, theirs is wrong. Instead of having a discussion, hurtful terrible words are tossed back and forth and there is no conclusion. People build up hatred in their hearts and it settles like cement. Cracking it open again will take a monumental effort-I’m not sure anyone is up to the task.
Aren't We all Adults
Songs are getting censored; our congressional house is not what it used to be. Pornography shown on the floor in the chamber, in house fighting on a daily basis. No one even tries to get along. One side pitted against the other. These people are supposed to be professionals and all I see are a bunch of adults acting like a two-year-old. It’s sad and heart wrenching. Where is the decorum, the decency or the respect? There is none. This is what is accepted now, we as people watch, discuss, and mimic those we follow on tv. no matter if it's right or wrong, decent or not decent. Maybe the truth is hatred exists deep within all of us. It just needs a special someone to bring it out into the open. Be careful who you idolize.
We All Live with It
Our country is a country full of hate. How is this teaching our children (the future leaders) anything? If we as adults cannot get along, why should they? Look at the word through a child’s eyes, it may startle and alarm you. They see examples in their parents and want to be like them when they grow up-be a good one.
Hatred most likely will never go away. But can it be controlled? We all need to work on that and control the hatred before it controls us. It can be all consuming and never ending.
What Is the Meaning
Hatred is to feel contempt for another person or group of people, with a feeling they are inferior to oneself. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? An alternate point of view can put someone in the spotlight and cause hatred to spiral toward them with a lightning-fast speed. This person is different and therefore must be the brunt of everyone's anger and hatred. Hatred can also be learned at a young age if it exists in the household. Children pick up negativity quickly and will soon be mimicking their parents. There is nothing that grows faster in an uncontrolled environment than hatred. It festers and busts open, spewing its pus-filled tentacles in every direction. Infecting and spreading its ugly head toward all of us.
Different Words Same Meaning
Hostility, antagonism, animosity, and rancor. All symptoms of hatred. A mean deep-seated dislike or ill will for someone. Including aggression and physical attacks. Emotional hatred allows a person to systematically destroy another with words and gestures. Tearing someone else down in order to feel good about themselves. Signs of a weak person filled with hatred and vindictiveness that boils over, forever affecting someone else's life. Inhabiting everyone and everything around it.
Maybe we should try a different approach. Reaching out with kindness, respect, and a willingness to right what’s wrong. Perhaps this would be a better solution for us and for the world.
Love doesn't hate.