Which Do You See
Do you see beauty in the world? Or do you notice everything that’s ugly that surrounds us. Because there is a lot of ugly. I say don’t look at it, look at the beauty that is all over the place. Look into your grandkid's eyes. See the love, the excitement, the wonder. Look at a sunset, the red and oranges, the dark sky around it. The beauty is there for the taking, just look. Look and you shall see.
Nature Is Beauty
Talk a walk, look at the nature that surrounds you. When I say nature I mean the trees, flowers, forests, the sky, sun, and dirt roads. During this walk hopefully you don’t come across a mama bear and her cubs. They are a part of nature, but they are a part of it I can do without. I’d love to look at them if I were in a vehicle, not with my feet on the pavement. A bear was sighted on the route I run. A mama and two cubs. It’s time for a different route. When I think about it I get anxious. I do not know what I would do if I came up upon a mama and cubs when I was running. Avoiding it at all costs is what I do. Now my running routes take me uptown less chance of encountering a bear. I think they are magnificent creatures. But mama bears are unpredictable when they have their cubs by them.
Aging Is Beauty
Look into the mirror. Do you see beauty looking back at you? If you don’t then think again, we are all beautiful in our own way. Wrinkles and all. A life lived; you should be proud of wrinkles. Do not try and make them disappear with Botox treatment, or plastic surgery. Believe I’ve seen enough photos of women who have. It isn’t pretty. Let nature take its course. Grow old with wisdom and grace.
To Each His Own
My husband Gary sees beauty in his old race bike. Someone bought it from him, refurbished it and now races it himself. Gary goes to watch him most weekends. It’s his thing. It’s Gary’s beauty. It is a part of his past. He loves it and lives it. To each his own.
Every day our rescue Ernie and I take a walk at our local park. There is beauty there everywhere. From the elk, and the deer to the geese and the bald eagles that soar overhead. Just open your eyes and you find beauty. The green of the grass, and the blue of the lake.
Being alive and breathing, being able to walk is a beautiful thing. Don’t take it for granted. There are people who cannot. Every day you wake up, smile and thank God for your existence. There are those who wake up to darkness. There are those who wake up and get in a wheelchair. Do you know how incredibly blessed you are?
The ugly is everywhere if you choose to see it. People's moods at times are ugly. Just give them a smile and tell them to have a nice day. Just because they are ugly doesn’t mean you have to be also.
Litter Is Ugly
When Ernie and I walk at the park people toss their trash everywhere. It’s ugly. I just sigh and pick it up. The park is a beautiful place. We don't want to destroy the look of it with litter. Toss it in the trash where it belongs.
At times the world is ugly with all the violence and hatred. Choose to be on the side of beauty. Hatred spreads like wildfire. Getting sucked up in it will send your universe into a collision.
Step aside and look for the beauty in the ugly. It’s there, it's just hidden deep inside. A rose is beautiful but if you grab it, you’ll prick your finger on a thorn. Be careful ugly comes for you.
Go toward the light, there’s beauty there.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Go find yours.