Oh My

My husband Gary snores. He isn’t a quiet snorer. He snores loudly. So loud, if I’m awake it is hard for me to get to sleep. I try tapping him on the arm and telling him to roll over. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. If I get to sleep before Gary, it isn’t a problem. On any given night he falls asleep within five seconds of our saying goodnight. I have a harder time getting to sleep but once I’m asleep I’m good. Or I used to be. Now I find myself waking up periodically throughout the night. It must be an old age thing.

Life Goes On

Does Gary need a CPAP machine? Most likely. Will he ever get tested for it? Probably not. Knowing my husband he would say, “My snoring doesn’t bother me.” 

Being on the other side of the bed is a different story. Tossing and turning, lying awake most of the night. I’ve done all of it. An interrupted sleep is not a good sleep. You wake up tired and remain tired for the duration of the day. 

What is the solution to this? I’m not quite sure, besides booting Gary upstairs and telling him to sleep up there. I get better sleep when he’s next to me. That is if he isn’t snoring. 

Is There a Cure

There are many ways to try and cure this problem. Nose strips, lose weight, try a mouthpiece. I cannot see my husband doing any of the above. I’ve seen him lose weight so I shouldn’t say that one. He hasn’t tried the nose strips, but I know he wouldn't like the mouthpiece. 

Maybe his nasal passages are closed off. My son had that problem and needed surgery to correct it. He still snores I believe. 

I’ve tried waiting until Gary rolls over, so I don’t have to swat at him. It doesn’t always work. He likes sleeping on his back but that is where he snores his loudest. He sleeps in the recliner a lot and he will sometimes snore but not always. Gary tells me I snore on occasion. I refuse to believe it. Just kidding, I think it is when I’m most tired. Which is most of the time lately.

Is there a cause for this affliction? Too narrow of nasal passages? Sleep Apnea is more common than you think. Many people stop breathing for a short period of time as they sleep. Scary.

Live With It

Most likely I’ll just have to learn to live with it. It isn’t like it’s a nightly thing. Oh wait, yes, it is. Gary is asleep next to me as I write this, and he is snoring. He tells me to wake him up if he starts to snore. Sometimes I do, sometimes I do not. If I’m having trouble falling asleep, I’ll wake him up. Especially if he is snoring loudly. But there have been times when I’ve actually fallen asleep as he snores. If it’s a softer snore. I’ve always wanted to record him while he’s doing it just so he can hear how loud he gets at times. I haven’t done that yet.

If Gary stopped snoring maybe I’d miss it. Who am I kidding? No, I wouldn’t. Not one bit. I wouldn’t trade Gary for the world but his snoring I can do without. 

It looks like it’s going to be a long night again. The snores are gaining momentum and rising in decibel. I’m wide awake after a hard night at work. I should be tired. The snoring has stopped for a moment now. That means it’s time for me to roll over and close my eyes. 

Goodnight, and if you are sleeping with a snorer, good luck.

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