
If you are raising kids in today's world, good luck. The entire planet has gone off the cliff. The wheels have fallen off the cart. It’s crazy land out there, don’t kid yourself. 

Wishing we could go back in time doesn’t do us any good. Do we still wish it? I know I do. Simpler times when we played outside all day into the night. No cell phone, no social media, less stress, less worries. At least that’s how it seemed at the time. 

Social Media

blue and white star illustration

Now in this never-ending data driven world full of Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat, Twitter everything is readily at your fingertips instantly. Instant gratification. Is this a good thing? I’m thinking no it isn’t. 

People Hate in a Way They Didn't Before

People hate now, in a way they didn’t before. There has always been racism but not front and center like it is now. Blacks against whites. The KKK is alive and well. Thriving in a lot of states. White Nationalists are what they call themselves. They think the white race is superior to any other race. This is something that needs to be squashed and done away with. What happened to everyone who is equal under the eyes of God? This is the way it should be. No one is better than anyone else. 

The hatred I see spread across Twitter is the worst I’ve witnessed in my lifetime. Not only color but politics. It is alive and forefront on Twitter. Same old same old as old as the age of time. Democrats versus Republicans. I’ve had scathing remarks directed my way and have often thought about signing off Twitter because of the dialog and hatred that exists there. But I put my stories there. It is the only social media I have. I am not on Facebook or Instagram. Twitter most likely will soon be a distant memory also. Live and let live is the rule I live by. You are free to vote for and say whatever you’d like. I have no problem with it. That being said, I can also have my own opinion. This is where it gets shady. Many people do not abide by this philosophy. It is their way or the highway. If you disagree you will get lambasted, laid flat on your back with the hatred that’s directed your way. Be ready for it, get off the site and think about the course of your life. Is it really worth it? This dislike of your person, the vile comments when people have no idea who you are or what you do. 

Reach Out

two persons holding hands

We should try to unite, reach out a hand. Wondering why hatred is so prevalent is puzzling. Are people that unhappy with the world? It seems to be the place we are at in this world. No one likes one another, no one believes in goodness anymore. There is little faith, little sorrow and no remorse. We are all rats running on the same treadmill. Going nowhere. 

There needs to be a solution. A remedy we all can come up with. 

The shootings have to stop. Children are being killed. Kids have no idea who they are anymore. Why are they so confused? What happened to families? Both parents working, kids being left on their own. 

Let’s all figure out a way out of this. Otherwise, the world is going to fade away into nothingness. Dark days ahead.

Let’s all hope we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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